Hi there! My name is Nowhere (also known as nowhereware, formerly nowheredevel), and I do dev things!

I created this blog because I wanted a personal space to post longform updates on the public-facing projects I do, and maybe some personal ones as well. I had originally intended to use Cohost for this purpose, but with the (as of writing) imminent shutdown on the site, I thought I should have a more permanent solution. I'm still not 100% set on the host I'll use, as of writing I'm currently based on neocities but that may change depending on future needs. No matter what though, I'll be using the URL https://nowhereware.com/ (which you're on now!).

A Brief History

I've been using technology as far back as I can remember. In elementary school, I was lucky enough to have access to a full computer lab, where I discovered a love for programming through Scratch. I continued programming as a hobby, starting from-scratch programming with Lua and eventually C#, which was the first time I had truly enjoyed writing code (Lua wasn't that fun for me :P). Ever since, I've done gamedev/programming-adjacent things and (mostly) enjoyed myself.

I haven't fully finished many of my projects of course, and of the few I've finished even fewer have been publicly released. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy what I do, I just find it hard to commit to a full project from time to time.

Current Work

My ongoing project concept for the past several years has gone under a few names, mainly Point Montia and Obelisk. Of the forms its taken, the current is an in-depth voxel simulation game. Naturally, it's taken an incredibly long amount of time to work through and I've never reached a working prototype. But it's fun! Outside of that, a project I'm having much more rapid progress in is what I'm calling Clowder, and it's what I'll probably post the most of over the next few weeks. In its current state, the game is/will be a social experience akin to Club Penguin and Poptropica, although not necessarily aimed at kids. That doesn't mean the content will be overly mature, but rather that I'm not trying to implement a super-strict moderation system right now :P. More details soon!

Where to Find Me

Right here! Outside of that, I have a list of links in the About page here. You can follow me there, and I will intend on updating the blog here regularly.

That's about it for now, see you next post!